Algae Association
of Iceland

About us

Algae Association of Iceland is an association of companies, institutions, universities and individuals that are working on growing, researching, processing, selling, marketing, promoting, studying and otherwise utilising algae in a sustainable way in Iceland.

Our purpose is to improve the operating environment for algae related companies, increase the relevant knowledge about algae in Iceland, and promote algae-related business as an opportunity for Iceland to the public, policymakers, and the business community.

We’re a part of the European Algae Biomass Association.

Board 2022-23

The board was elected on October 22, 2022.

  • Sigurður Pétursson (Rækt - Chairman) -

  • Áshildur Bragadóttir (LBHÍ)

  • Eydís Mary Jónsdóttir (EMZ)

  • Kristinn Árni L. Hróbjartsson (Running Tide Iceland)

  • Tryggvi Stefánsson (Algalíf)

If you have questions, want to join the association, or want to get in contact in any other way, reach out to Sigurður -